Most Smart balance wheels offer a similar experience with different size and magnificence. But before a journey, rider is required with lots of exercise and familiar with the hoverboard speeding up, move backwards,turning around, then he can go on the highway, to avoid any accidents.

However, after you riding your hoverboard for a while,you will find out the advantages of using the hoverboard:
1.Ideal for doing exercise and short trip- people living in urban area may not very easy to find a place for doing exercise in the morning , a hoverboard can helps you moving to parks nearby for sports or leisure. Besides, riding a hoverboard can also help to reduce weight and enhance balance ability.

2.Easy for carry- it is very convenient for carry because of its cute size and light weight,with an optional carry bag, you can easily carry it onto the bus, metro,railway, up and down elevators.
3.Easy for maintenance- It is extremely considerably easy to do daily maintenance for your hoverboard. You can wipe the hoverboard rubber pad,shell, wheels with a wet dishcloth, you don't need to worry about rusting or water penetration problem. While your hoverboard is lack of power , simply connect the hoverboard to the ac power with an original adapter, you don't need to pay too much attention while charging as when the hoverboard battery is full, the adapter will automatic shut off ( however, we still suggest you to take off the adapter when you found the adapter charging indicator is green )
- Easy for storage- it is easy to put away your hoverboard in the shelf or perhaps in cargo area too, without paying too much attention to temperature,humidity around.