Usually you don’t want to carry your electric skateboard long distances by hand, and a board backpack can make it much easier to do so. With a board backpack, you can also feel free to carry your board to work during a rainy morning and still ride it back home when it’s sunnier in the evening. There are several options for electric skateboard backpacks that can carry a 15 lb+ longboard:
One secret to keep in mind when you look for a board backpack is that snowboard backpacks usually work pretty well. Burton, a well-known snowboard equipment brand, has a wide variety of snowboard backpacks that work well. The Day Hiker Pro 28L is one such example, with a wide variety of colors, ample room for other gear like wrist guards and knee pads, and a vertical board carry system. Koowheel Longboard Bag 
Koowheel Electric Longboard Bag is a fairly distinct and popular option to carry both regular and electric longboards. I personally highly recommend this one as well as it is very welcomed by most consumers. Besides, due to Christmas coming, Koowheel Christmas 8600mAh ( Double power) Replaceable Battery Limited Edition E-board is on sale. Just only 20 days. Needless to say it is a special gift for new and old customers. 
You can buy the Koowheel Longboard and bag direct from the official website.
The Unity Skateboard backpack is a slightly smaller alternative to the larger Burton and Dakine bags. It supports skateboards up to 15 lbs, so it’s not designed for the heavier boards like the Evolve Bamboo GT. However, with boards like the Boosted Board Dual+ (2nd Gen) that come in just under the 15 lb limit, the Unity Skateboard Backpack will work just fine.
For Bamboo GT or Carbon GT owners (or, proud Bamboo GTX early adopters), Evolve offers a branded skateboard backpack designed to hold their boards. It has standard features like a water bottle pouch (though, theirs is insulated), and reflective logos so cars can see you at night. You can order the Evolve Backpack directly from their web store.