Recently, China Southern Airlines to ens ure flight safety, a total ban on passen gers carrying or shipping lithium batter y-powered self balancing electric scooter, specific products including, but not l imited to: wheelbarrow, electric scooters, Hot Wheels cars and somatosensory and self balancing scooter. On the grounds that "the majority of the e nergy equipment lithium flag does not co mply with such a balance due to the poor q uality of lithium battery car caught fir e and exploded over the spate of interna tional events on the feedback."

Not long ago, the British trading standa rds bodies remind people not to buy such p roducts because of high security risks. N ational Trading Standards agency spokesm an said the current government has seize d more than 38,000 pieces electric scooter, of which more than 80% were identif ied security risk.
Trading Standards warning mechanism for s ome large retailers, including Amazon, w e have already begun to balance the pres ence of hidden electric vehicle frame, a nd to have purchased such products consu mers sent a message to inform risk.

Currently the use of electric vehicles e quilibrium expanding more and more types. As the electric car lithium battery ene rgy balance is large, and most of the en ergy equipment lithium flag does not com ply with such a balance due to the poor q uality of lithium batteries caught fire a nd exploded car events around the spate o f international feedback.
Therefore, when consumers choose these p roducts, be sure to consider the quality o f the product, due to self balancing scooter price uneven levels, people do not covet cheap, since ancient times, said no good g oods cheaper it, therefore, recommended t o buy the car balance , select the famous brand self balancing scooter supplier, and in line with national security req uirements, access to the security certif icate of the manufacturers. According to i ndustry sources reveal, Koowheel China i s specialized in producing 2 wheel self balancing scooter, well-known brand self balancing electric unicycle manufacturers. They only use the origina l Samsung batteries, "Xinaoma / Hangh ong motors (famous brand with best quali ty), Taotao Intelligent Technology" main board, ABS plastic case with UV certific ation, Charger with UL certification., a nd they have a 20-30 degree climbing tes t , and also have the unique testing mac hines in Shenzhen to test the balance, t he speed, the maximum load data for each s cooter.
Their Scooter support UN 38.3 (battery) a nd UL 60950-1 / BS (charger), all of our r aw materials comply with national safety p roduction standards If you would like to k now more about Koowheel, please visit http://www.koowheelmall .com
Not long ago, the British trading standa
Trading Standards warning mechanism for s
Currently the use of electric vehicles e
Therefore, when consumers choose these p
Their Scooter support UN 38.3 (battery) a