Currently, the players in the purchase of electric hoverboard bluetooth or self balancing scooter encountered more trouble problem is motor failure, or balance system failure, usually accompanied by "drop" long ring. Most customers thought it was the motherboard, in fact, very often there is a cable connection is bad. Today tell customers automatically detects the exclusion of non-motor problems caused by the motherboard, balanced failure fault.
Hall cable connection is bad or off, or fitting inside one or more finger contacts bad, this will lead to failure. With the alarm sound "tick" sound, and the motor does not work. Usually can be connected directly or through re-plug the Hall line interface, or to resolve the row.
Wherein an electrical power line is bad or off, the motor power but can not walk, accompanied by great friction noise. Two lines off the motor or bad, completely off the motor does not work.
Common faults are the following:
1. The electric scooter wheel is out of balance, it will uncontrolled and when you stand up.
2. One wheel doesn’t work. Red light flash.
3. The sides of the wheel does not work. Red light flash.
Now we come to look at the self balancing electric scooter brushless motor, which has two sets of cables, respectively, a group of three different colors of the bold line is the power line, a set of five different colors of thread, is a Hall line.
A :( battery direction) motor power line it has three different colored lines, any one poor contact or disconnect , here the motor will lose balance, or time with abnormal sound. Poor contact or disconnect any two points, the motor will not work here. Tip lights do not flash.
B :( battery direction) line is composed of Hall 5 different color thread constitution. Any one line is bad or disconnected, resulting in both sides of the motors are not working. Tip lamp flashes 5 times each.
C: deputy board cable line is the set of four different colored lines, poor contact or disconnection, the motor will not work on both sides, running lights can work, cue lights flashed every time.
D and F: with light cable is bad or disconnected with lamp does not work.
E: Battery warning lamp is bad or the cable is disconnected, the battery light will prompt does not work.
G: deputy board cable line is the set of four different colored lines, poor contact or disconnection, the motor will not work on both sides, running lights can work, cue lights do not flash.
H :( switching direction) Hall line is composed of 5 different color thread constitution. Any one line is bad or disconnected, resulting in both sides of the motors are not working. Tip 4 under lights flash every time.
I :( switching direction) Motor power cable with three lines in different colors, any one bad or disconnected, the motor will be out of balance here, or driving when there is abnormal sound. Poor contact or disconnect any two points, the motor will not work here. The indicator light do not flash.
J: charging port is bad or the cable is disconnected, it will not charge.
K: switch cable is bad or off, switch button will fail.
L: Indicator lamp is bad or the cable is disconnected, the warning lamp does not work.
More cable problem, simply re-plug the cable or change can be solved.
Tally Explanations: flash one time: C partial failure flashes twice: No Flash 3 times: Motor short-circuit fault flash four times: H partial failure flash 5 times: B partial failure flashes 6 times: 7 times battery failure flash: Battery direction auxiliary circuit board failure, we need to replace the circuit board flash 8 times: switching direction auxiliary circuit board failure, you need to replace the circuit board. For more information, please visit